Quora Question: How can we support teachers on the frontlines of education?
Nancy Dibble
M.S. in Psychology & Learning Theory, Walden University (Graduated 2009)
GREAT question!

Give them respect in their profession. Teachers should get more respect. They already know that they are not entering a career that is high pay or is highly respected. This is why SO many teachers will say, “I’m just a teacher.” “Just??” Teaching is a very challenging job to do well and should be respected. Teachers are “on” the entire time that they are in the classroom. Here are some of their daily challenges that other teachers know but those that have never taught do not:
Being careful about what they say at all times. Everything a teacher says to students is VERY important. They are teaching young, impressionable minds and must (or should) be thoughtful with each comment because their words mean a lot to their students. They must stay vigilant in this.
Waiting to use the restroom. Students can use the bathroom pass but teachers have to “hold it” for hours. Most people in most professions do not have to wait hours to go the the restroom. Teachers do.
Workload. Teachers, in general, work really, really hard and most do not get the appreciation and respect they deserve. They work with students all day, 5 days a week to make good, effective lesson plans and still work long hours after they get home. They make time to evaluate student work and give feedback, handle the myriad of challenges that arise every day (including helping students who have been physically, mentally or sexually abused), and keep a great attitude for their class.
No career growth options within the field. Teachers do not have an opportunity for career growth unless they move into administration. After 25 years of teaching they are still a teacher.
Come help in the classroom. I have loved it when parents or grandparents have come to help my students. I show them what they can do to help and they jump right in and do it.
Support the classroom with additional resources. Teachers consistently spend their own money to buy supplies for their classroom. I spent $2700 my first year teaching and that was in 1990. One year one of our son’s teachers needed support with copies. She wanted to teach an additional reading program to balance and complement the district-mandated one. Her principal approved the additional curriculum but did not provide the copy budget. My husband copied all that she needed once a week to ensure that our son and the other students got the program. Find out what supplies your teacher needs and see what you can do to donate them.
Train your children to be respectful and have self discipline and manners . I really mean that. Teachers are hired to teach their subject area or grade level. They end up spending too much time teaching basic manners and work ethic that should be taught in the home. The students that already have these basics get annoyed by the students that still need this training. It can be exhausting and draining for teachers to have to stop their teaching to continue to work on the behavior of unruly students. Teachers know that this is part of the job but this should be a small part, not a big part.
Final Thought: Thank you for asking this question! Just by asking it you are already showing that you care about teachers.